With countless data leaks occurring on a daily basis, people take precautions to safeguard their online identity and data. First and foremost, the general population is becoming more aware of the possible security risks associated with the Internet. The increased adoption of VPN by internet users is due to a multitude of factors. Simply explained: What is a VPN and do I need one? This means that an individual’s IP is replaced with the VPN’s IP address, implying that neither your internet provider nor any hackers or cybercriminals can access your web browsing activities or personal data, such as passwords, card details, or similar information stored online. The service works by establishing encrypted data tunnels between the user’s home network and the proxy servers of a VPN provider. Strictly speaking, a VPN encrypts your internet traffic by concealing your IP address and physical location, allowing the user to hide their tracks from any third-party intervention. VPN is an encrypted connection over the Internet whereby a private internet user can extend one’s access to shared or public networks.

Additionally, as more people are becoming home-bound, the demand for streaming and gaming has also grown, necessitating an increasing interest in VPN providers. The current Coronavirus pandemic has also acted as a catalyst, raising public interest in VPNs as quarantined countries throughout the world commenced remote work. Meanwhile, according to the VPN usage 2020 report, 69 % of internet users in the United States over the age of 18 utilize a VPN service for personal or work-related purposes. Indeed, the VPN industry is expected to grow, reaching 75.59 billion U.S. VPNs are used among individuals who want to disguise their actual location in exchange for enhanced security and privacy or to circumvent certain restrictions. Virtual Private Network (VPN) technology has been available for a few decades, but its popularity has lately surged. You will learn about the main products that each provider offers, as well as their privacy and security aspects.

In this guide, we will examine the top 5 mobile VPNs in 2022 by first analyzing the major benefits of using VPN and then assessing the different features of each VPN company.